On the 4th of March at 10 AM , Extinction Rebellion Zürich demonstrates at the Norwegian Consulate in Zürich, Bahnhofstrasse 70.
Norway is often credited with being a fair and democratic country, but Norway is in fact one of the biggest polluters in the world. With its small population of 5 million people Norway covers 2 % of the global demand for oil and 3 % of the global demand for gas. When taking into account the emissions involved in the export of oil and gas, Norway is the 7th biggest exporter of CO2 to the atmosphere. As such Norway is not in any way keeping with its obligations under the Paris Agreement.
At the same time, the Norwegian government is suppressing climate activists who resort to civil disobedience by arresting everybody involved in such protests, putting them in isolation for 10 to 15 hours and giving them extraordinarily high fines (approximately 1600 Euros). This arguably violates Article 11 of the European Human Rights Convention, guaranteeing the right to peacefully assemble, which is the reason why other European countries show much higher degree of tolerance for demonstrators using civil disobedience.
The demonstration at the Norwegian Consulate is a part of an international campaign, in which similar demonstrations are happening simultaneously in over 20 other cities (see list of cities here). See the pictures of demonstrations that have already taken place.
Norway prides itself with respecting international law. We demand that Norway either abides by its obligations as signatories under the Paris Agreement and the European Human Rights Convention, or is held accountable by the international community as one of the richest countries on earth with a disproportionate responsibility for the climate crisis.
The demonstration starts at the Norwegian Consulate in Zürich at 10 AM UTC and ends at 10.30 at the same place.
Extinction Rebellion Zürich: https://xr-zuerich.ch
Extinction Rebellion Norway: https://extinctionrebellion.no/
For Extinction Rebellion Norway
Dag Kolstø
(0047 90806445)